2024-04-04 15:23:10 -03:00
-- You can also add or configure plugins by creating files in this `plugins/` folder
-- Here are some examples:
---@type LazySpec
return {
2024-04-11 20:02:48 -03:00
-- "andweeb/presence.nvim",
-- {
-- "ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim",
-- event = "BufRead",
-- config = function() require("lsp_signature").setup() end,
-- },
2024-04-04 15:23:10 -03:00
-- customize alpha options
opts = function(_, opts)
-- customize the dashboard header
opts.section.header.val = {
2024-06-15 22:59:13 -03:00
2024-04-04 15:23:10 -03:00
return opts
2024-06-26 02:10:58 -03:00
2024-07-09 06:35:53 -03:00
-- Adds highlighting and lsp features for embedded code in documents.
2024-06-26 02:10:58 -03:00
dependencies = {
2024-07-09 06:35:53 -03:00
config = function()
require("otter").activate({ "sh" }, true, true, nil)
2024-06-26 02:10:58 -03:00
2024-04-04 15:23:10 -03:00