{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) types mkOption mkIf mkEnableOption ; ollamaPackage = mkIf config.programs.neovim.ollama.enable ( if config.programs.neovim.ollama.type == "amd" then pkgs.ollama-rocm else if config.programs.neovim.ollama.type == "nvidia" then pkgs.ollama-cuda else pkgs.ollama ); in { options.programs.neovim = { nixd = { hostname = mkOption { default = "wizdesk"; description = "Your NixOS hostname, needed for nixd lsp."; example = "nixos"; type = types.str; }; location = mkOption { default = "git+file:///home/wizardlink/.system"; description = "Path to your flake location, prepend 'file:///' to it and 'git+' before that if using git."; example = "git+file:///home/wizardlink/.system"; type = types.str; }; }; ollama = { enable = mkEnableOption "enable"; type = mkOption { default = "amd"; description = "The type of ollama package to install, AMD GPU accelerated or NVIDIA GPU accelerated."; example = "amd"; type = types.enum [ "amd" "nvidia" ]; }; }; }; config = { programs.neovim = { withNodeJs = true; withPython3 = true; extraLuaConfig = builtins.readFile ./init.lua; extraPackages = with pkgs; [ # Needed by ollama.nvim curl ollamaPackage # Needed by LuaSnip luajitPackages.jsregexp # CMAKE neocmakelsp # C/C++ clang-tools gcc # Needed for treesitter vscode-extensions.ms-vscode.cpptools # C# csharp-ls csharpier netcoredbg # HTML/CSS/JSON emmet-ls vscode-langservers-extracted # LUA lua-language-server stylua # Markdown markdownlint-cli marksman # Nix deadnix nixd nixfmt-rfc-style statix # Python basedpyright python312Packages.flake8 ruff # TypeScript/JavaScript vtsls deno vscode-js-debug # Rust rust-analyzer cargo # Needed by blink-cmp taplo vscode-extensions.vadimcn.vscode-lldb # Vue prettierd vue-language-server # Svelte nodePackages.svelte-language-server # YAML yaml-language-server ]; }; xdg.configFile."nvim/lua" = { recursive = true; source = ./lua; }; xdg.configFile."nvim/lua/plugins/astrolsp.lua".source = pkgs.runCommand "astrolsp.lua" { } '' cp ${./lsp.lua} $out substituteInPlace $out \ --replace-fail "{hostname}" "${config.programs.neovim.nixd.hostname}" \ --replace-fail "{location}" "${config.programs.neovim.nixd.location}" \ --replace-fail "{pkgs.vue-language-server}" "${pkgs.vue-language-server}" ''; xdg.configFile."nvim/lua/polish.lua".source = pkgs.runCommand "polish.lua" { } '' cp ${./polish.lua} $out substituteInPlace $out \ --replace-fail "{pkgs.vscode-extensions.ms-vscode.cpptools}" "${pkgs.vscode-extensions.ms-vscode.cpptools}" \ ''; }; }